Jenny Cusack
Jenny Cusack is a writer based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Specialising in long-form interviews, Jenny covers a wide range of subjects - from women's issues, the North East and wellbeing to art, culture, film and travel. Her interviews include Rosamund Pike on the power of women, South East London's most loveliest art-angel, Mia Goth, on her journey through womanhood, and Queer arthouse director Bruce LaBruce about attacks on the LGBT community.
Alongside her journalism and writing, Jenny consults for brands, businesses and non-profit organisations.
Originally from Newcastle, Jenny has worked for media companies such as The New York Times and Financial Times in London, Singapore and New York, and in high-profile Development projects backed by names such as Nike Inc. in Nepal, Kenya and Uganda.
Jenny produced a series of videos across Uganda and Kenya for USAID, DFID and Nike Foundation about the impact businesses can have on the lives of girls, and a film for The Guardian on the politically charged 2014 Eurovision contest in Copenhagen.
Her poetry was published in The New River Press 2018 - 2019 Yearbook ~ WHEN THEY START TO LOVE YOU AS A MACHINE YOU SHOULD RUN.
Jenny was co-named Dazed & Confused magazine's funnest intern (2011).